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Minutes of Ghana Union General Meeting, May 23rd 2020, held at Medborgaplatsen

Updated: Jul 11, 2021

No minutes were read from the previous meeting.

Accounts/Transactions explained by the treasurer . Covid-19 Cash at hand was 3500 kr. Remaining 400 kr was with Jawal. Grand total as at then was 3900 kr. As at the meeting day, 13 people had contributed. This amount was to be paid in to the Ghana covid account but the president thought we should send a round figure of 4000 kr. This was not accepted by many!

Heated discussion about calendar year. What was in the constitution was not clear for many, hence hectic discussion. Landed on the need to look through the entire constitution. Finally, the calendar year principle was adopted. The union’s year will start in January and end December.

Jerry raised a point about increasing our monthly dues from 300 kr to 500 kr with 300 remaining for pensioners and students. Because of low turnout for the meeting, this point is hanging but those at the meeting accepted the idea of increasing it.

The discussion about what to do with the unused money raised for the party did not land anywhere. No meaningful suggestions were made and agreed on.

Suggestions to strengthen Ghana Union S. were made. All the suggestions finally ended with a consensus of forming a committee with the mandate of reviewing the constitution before knowing exact modus operandi to use to entice people join the union.

Present at the meeting were 7 members. Six others joined by Zoom. Eunice raised a motion to bring the meeting to an end. This was seconded.

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